фото Paleo Diet For Beginners. Top 30 Paleo Pasta Recipes Revealed!

Paleo Diet For Beginners. Top 30 Paleo Pasta Recipes Revealed!

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Creamy Chicken Zucchini Fettuccine Ingredients • 1 small onion, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, minced • ½ tsp Himalayan or fine sea salt • ½ tsp freshly cracked black pepper • 1 large head (600g) cauliflower, roughly chopped • 2 cups chicken stock • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast •2 tbsp white balsamic vinegar • the juice of 1/2 lime • 1 tsp capers • 225g mushrooms, sliced • 450g leftover cooked chicken, chopped (I used grilled chicken) • ¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped (to garnish) • 2-3 large zucchinis, peeled and julienned Instructions 1. Peel the zucchini (or not, I peeled mine just for the look and munched on the peels while I was cooking) and cut them into wide julienne strips with a mandolin. Set aside. (I used the wider setting of my mandolin to create Fettuccine-like "noodles", but you could also do finer noodles with the thinner setting or you could also use a vegetable spiralizer.) 2. Add onion, garlic, salt and pepper to a medium saucepan. Cook over medium heat for one or two minutes, until fragrant and slightly softened. 3. Throw the cauliflower in and continue cooking for a minute or two. 4. Add chicken stock, cover and bring to the boil; lower heat and continue cooking until the cauliflower is tender, about 5-7 minutes. 5. Meanwhile, cook the mushrooms in a large skillet until nice and golden. Add chicken and continue cooking until heated through; Reserve. 6. Ladle the cauliflower mixture into your blender; add Dijon mustard, nutritional yeast...
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