фото Unleash Your Creative Opulence. Architecting the New Renaissance

Unleash Your Creative Opulence. Architecting the New Renaissance

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Life is a journey of self-discovery, and today-right now-there is a new renaissance of creativity that can help you discover your limitless creative potential. We are now in a period-a creative golden age-where a reignition of creative fire has caused many to revolutionise their creations and reconnect with the divine. By taking your own journey into the inner self and by expanding your creative consciousness, you too can transform the current status quo by unleashing new creative works. Unleash Your Creative Opulence: Architecting the New Renaissance explores this new era in creativity and challenges you to live your dreams and expand your creativity into new areas of life. Your journey is unique to you, and the unveiling of your divine talents and gifts is also unique to you! With boldness and courage, you can open yourself up to your limitlessness and understand this new era in causal creativity-which promotes collaboration not competition, renewal not wastefulness, philanthropy not greed, and construction not destruction. To understand this creativity is to be in alignment and in harmony with the divine, and with this understanding you can help uplift humanity towards oneness. Now is the time to unleash your creativity, as in this new age we are all the chosen ones-the magical architects of our new world!
Магазин: OZON

1927.0 руб.

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