In the spring of 1917, war fever swept across the United States like a prairie fire, catching young David Bellamy in its grip. '...To End All Wars' follows him on his quest for excitement and adventure to France. Away from the heat and reality of war, David soon discovers there is much to interest him by way of a French war widow, the thoughtful, serious, and complicated Sophie Montigny. As their friendship-and attraction for one another-grows, they find themselves at a crossroads, and when David accepts a transfer to the front, he must face the horrors of war head on. Author Gail McEwen masterfully depicts the blood and heart-pounding horrors of the trenches and yet she also manages to keep the heart pounding with the compelling love story of two people caught in its wake. This novel is a charming testament to the truth that the human spirit will survive, even in mankind's darkest hours.
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