фото The World According to Jesus. Cycle B Sermons for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Based on the Gospel Texts

The World According to Jesus. Cycle B Sermons for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Based on the Gospel Texts

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Jesus is the embodiment of what God means for our world. The gospel writers who penned the first four books of the Christian scriptures have given us a variety of insights into who Jesus was and is, and why he matters for contemporary humankind. Every thoughtful person defines the world according to him- or her-self. This series of sermons aims to present ‘the world according to Jesus.'It is hoped that clergy tasked with proclaiming the good news of Jesus, and who follow the three-year lectionary cycle of gospel texts, will find the cycle B gospel sermons of The World According to Jesus: Twelve Sermons for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany as useful starting points for creative preaching. This will easily lighten the load for any pastor on the go during the busy season of Advent, when the holidays are in full-swing. Uses for this book: Sermon ideas or sermon starters Inspirational reading Independent and group Bible study Some Sermon Titles Include: Stay Awake! (Mark 13:24-37) Don't Get Stuck! (Mark 1:1-8) Get Out of the Jungle! (John 1:6-8, 19-28) Jesus Matters (Luke 1:26-38) Don't Miss This (Luke 2:1-14 (15-20)) Michael L. Sherer is the author of twelve published titles, both fiction and ministry-related, including the CSS Publishing titles, A Treasure Hidden (1985) and Growing in Grace (1986), and has served as pastor of ELCA churches all over the state of Iowa, including Redeemer Lutheran Church (Washburn, Iowa), First Lutheran Church (Maquoketa, Iowa) and St. J...
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