фото The Real Origin of the Species. Twelve New and Compelling Reasons to Believe That God Exists

The Real Origin of the Species. Twelve New and Compelling Reasons to Believe That God Exists

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This book offers positive proof of God's existence, and leads the reader into a closer relationship with God. • For Christian readers who already believe in God, this book will strengthen their faith, and provide them with a totally new way to explain and share their faith. • Christian parents whose children are being taught the Theory of Evolution at school will want their children to read this book. Not only does it teach the Biblical alternative, but it does so in a clear and convincing manner that even teenagers can understand. • This book is also a powerful witnessing tool, and can be shared with those who are not yet believers. It will lead them to the truth and to faith in Jesus Christ. The unbeliever will have a firm foundation upon which to build his or her faith. The author completed three semesters of theological studies at Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama, and graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of New York with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English. He had a distinguished career at the Government Printing Office, where he was employed as a writer of contract specifications. He received numerous commendations and awards for his work. Mr. Daniels has made Biblical Studies a life-long pursuit; and in his retirement, he writes Biblical articles and essays. His writing reflects not only his deep devotion to the word of God, but also his insistence that all of his claims and assertions be supported by clear and compelling evidence, as well as pers...
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