фото The Possibilities of Oneness. Doorways to Life's Deeper Meaning, Wonder, and Joy

The Possibilities of Oneness. Doorways to Life's Deeper Meaning, Wonder, and Joy

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Most of us have heard the expression to “feel at one” or to “feel oneness” with a part of the world that normally feels “out there” and distinct from our usual sense of self. They are experiences that can occur when our learned feeling of being separate from all that is around us lets up or falls away, and we suddenly know the greater wholeness, connectedness, and meaning hidden underneath the surface level of life. When people talk about these experiences of Oneness, they often describe them as some of the most powerful and transformative events in their lives.Many diverse terms or phrases are used to refer to these kinds of experiences: flow or in-the-zone experiences, mystical, higher love, awakening, enlightenment, or liberation experiences. In more general terms, we may simply call them spiritual or peak experiences. These are only a few of the names used to refer to what Will Irons calls the possibilities of Oneness.Through Irons’ own vivid experiences, as well as the wisdom of Oneness deep in all of us, we see how these possibilities can be truly unforgettable, joy-filled discoveries. They are those precious moments when we feel more present and fully alive, more in love and at peace, more grateful and connected to life’s bigger picture than ever before.And as Irons describes with passion, insight, and clarity, these incredible possibilities are open to everyone. They have the power to change us like nothing else.
Магазин: OZON

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