фото The Model Manifesto. An A-Z anti-exploitation manual for the fashion industry

The Model Manifesto. An A-Z anti-exploitation manual for the fashion industry

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For such a beautiful industry, there is a lot of ugly behind the scenes in modelling. Exploitation has always existed in the fashion industry, because it is so aspirational. By cutting through the smoke and mirrors, The Model Manifesto empowers and educates models to take control of their lives into their own hands and educates the public on the reality of what's involved in modelling. Leanne Maskell has drawn on her 13 years of experience working as an international model together with her legal background to create this easy-to-understand, A-Z guide in order to end exploitation of vulnerable models and wanna-be models.With contributions from top industry experts, The Model Manifesto includes solid advice on everything from mental health issues to paying tax. It covers every aspect of the modelling industry in detail to give an honest and realistic insider view, covering both the highs and the lows.The way to end the exploitation and the ugly in the industry is by education, awareness and building change from the inside out.
Магазин: OZON

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