фото The Intuitive Marketer. Timeless marketing principles to create and build successful businesses

The Intuitive Marketer. Timeless marketing principles to create and build successful businesses

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Are you starting a business or a business owner that wants to get a better understanding of marketing to make informed decisions to grow your business? Have you relied on your intuition to get you to where you are now, but there is so much out there, that you don't know what's the best marketing solution for you? In this book, Pat Grosse reveals twenty marketing principles that are as relevant today as they were thirty years ago, even with the explosion of online marketing. Pat has experienced a unique journey, including success in a pan-European niche market, then making the number one mistake that cost her three years of business growth, and first-hand experience of technology's impact on marketing. Pat has been immersed in information technology from before the 1990's hype of the Information Super Highway to today's digital economy and touching upon on the impact of artificial intelligence on marketing and society in the future. If people are classified as either digital natives or digital immigrants, Pat classifies herself as a digital captive as information technology has played an important role in her life since she was a teenager. Couple this with her experience in grass roots marketing and you've got a good combination of common sense and wisdom in a world where it difficult to single out experts who are shouting the same message in a crowded marketplace. Read this book and use these principles to turn your intuition into informed decisions th...
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