фото The Impact of Cultural Values and Bounded Rationality on Investment Decisions

The Impact of Cultural Values and Bounded Rationality on Investment Decisions

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Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich BWL - Investition und Finanzierung, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (University of Groningen - Newcastle University), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This thesis investigates cultural and cognitive behavioural determinants of Home Bias through individual and macro level regressions. Cultural dimensions of Project GLOBE provide the basis for the development of a relational model and the hypotheses. Through theorising this link, this thesis shows that culture has an influence specifically on investment choices, but in a wider sense on all economic choices humans undertake. The knowledge of those influences helps business managers in conducting international business by analysing local demand more accurately and gaining competitive advantages through knowledge. Although research has been conducted in this field, no approach on culture and Home Bias has aimed at incorporating all GLOBE dimensions in one model or analysed Home Bias outside of fund levels and examined the individual level. This thesis fills the gap in the literature and thereby contributes to crosscultural research. The analysis finds that on an individual level, power distance is the only significant cultural determinant of Home Bias. The macro levels yields assertiveness, performance orientation and gender egalitarianism as significant results, depending on the regression model. The significance of the findings is low and inconsistent in dimensions, which calls for better qua...
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