фото The Fashion Switch. The New Rules of the Fashion Business

The Fashion Switch. The New Rules of the Fashion Business

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HOW CAN YOU REMAIN VISIBLE, CREDIBLE AND GROW YOUR FASHION BUSINESS IN THE COMPETITIVE AND FAST MOVING DIGITAL ERA?Independent owner-led fashion businesses face unique challenges. They are competing with big brands with unlimited budgets while simultaneously losing market share to agile, digital-savvy newcomers. Without creative and strategic clarity, you could lose the business you have worked so hard to build.Read The Fashion Switch to discover a proven five-step method that will enable you to:• Strengthen your unique brand story to powerfully convey your brand’s value quickly and easily• Create consistent distinct visual guidelines that take your brand to a new level• Stay ahead of fast-moving market changes and innovate to remain relevant• Engage and nurture customers to build an army of brand fans to grow your business• Gain full control of your finances and business strategy• Unlock the potential of your business and seize the opportunities of the new digital era of fashion
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