фото Terrorists in the Heartland. A Novel

Terrorists in the Heartland. A Novel

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FBI special agent, Francis A. Giordano, seemed to have the world in the palms of his hands, until 9/11 happened, and all he knew was jeopardized. Following the attack, he was wrongfully accused of mismanaging important FBI information, necessary in the defense of the United States. Questionable political maneuvers played a significant role in his demotion and relocation from Washington, D.C., to a lessor post in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Employment in Grand Rapids was an unlikely place for him to regain his reputation, clear his good name, and seek advancement. However, Giordano will eventually find, he has been transferred into a hotbed of terrorist activity that leads not only to death and destruction but also deceit beyond his wildest imagination.About the Author: John W. Gemmer is a native Hoosier originally from Goshen, Indiana. Following his retirement in 1999, Gemmer lived in Florida for nine years. He is a graduate of Indiana University in South Bend, Indiana, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business. Gemmer served on a destroyer, the USS Harold J. Ellison DD-864 and worked at SACLANT, a NATO Command, for the United States Navy from 1968 to 1972. John enjoys target shooting, automotive restoration, reading, watching movies, traveling, and writing. He is an avid Notre Dame and Indiana Pacer's fan.
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