Tales of the Field began as a chronicle of hunting memories amongst a group of friends that considered one day we would be too old to remember them if not captured for posterity. Putting those memories on paper brought to life the vivid sunrises and sunsets, the pungent smell of flooded timber, and wet dogs shaking off water after a great retrieve, as well as those days where nothing goes right. David Brown's first chance at publishing has filled this book with stories that may stir up memories of your days afield. It embodies many experiences, good and bad with friends, and that is what life is all about. From hunting in pit blinds, layouts or standing in oak bottoms for waterfowl, this book covers a myriad of adventure tales with a few special days of turkey hunting too. As we currently live in a time where our days are seemingly driven by technology, the hope is for you to take a reprieve from the chaos, find a comfortable chair and read about a time when moments in the woods and water surely bring a smile to your face and a feeling of peace in your soul.
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