At some point in almost everyone's life, they wish that they could get a redo; a fresh start to do it all over again. When you suffer a TBI (traumatic brain injury) you have no choice, your hard drive is scrubbed clean, and you have to start over with whatever brain you now posses. STAN SAYS: is a fiction account based on a real TBI for a man at fifty three years old. He ran a successful business, and was knee deep in a divorce that included two children. His injury occurred two hundred miles from home, so friends, family, and pets had to travel. All nine of his neurologists suggested that he take up a foreign language, art, or study technology as he recovered because the human brain can generate so much from a clean slate. He was told that he would probably not be able to perform his previous job functions, and should consider a career change. At one point his family was told to just go home and get on with their lives, that he would spend the rest of his life in assisted living. He was also told that he was "lucky". None of them had ever seen anyone survive this type of injury. As if the TBI weren't enough he also had the two upper ribs on his left side through his left lung contacting his heart, and contracted pneumonia while he lay unconscious in the ICU on life support. So you think you're having a bad day? Stan would beg to differ. Stan would say if you're on this side of the grass, there are no bad days. Of course there is a lot of religion, and...
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