фото Smart Money. What Is It.... Where to Find It.... and How to Make Money with It

Smart Money. What Is It.... Where to Find It.... and How to Make Money with It

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"An insightful book from a Wall St. " insider' that shows you how to win consistently at investing, navigate uncertain markets, and stay at least one step ahead of the crowd. Sprinkled with anecdotes, written with a wry sense of humor, it's an easy and valuable read for anyone looking to see what "smart money" should be doing today." Ernest Chu, Member of the NYSE Chairman, Green States Energy Best selling author, Soul Currency "This book is for every individual investor who feels like Wall Street left them behind because they didn't have a big enough account to attract sound advice." Col. Patrick Graf, Former Director NATO Partnership Program Director of Export Compliance L III Communications " This book takes the mystery out of making money" Daniel Lothian, White House Correspondent CNN Tired of investing your money like the masses....? Only to lose money..? Well, here is an approach that you can use to invest with the people in the know...corporate insiders, billionaires, politicians, and the world's most successful money managers. You don't need a degree in finance or a specialized Wall Street background to understand the insights and investing strategies in this guidebook. But you do need a willingness to learn • who controls the markets; • what causes bubbles to burst; • why all insiders aren't equal; • where to find where the insiders invest. The insight and information you'll learn will not only change th...
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