A 128-page pan-denominational book full of comfort and inspiration without a religious agenda. Authored by a lay freelance writer, it leads the reader to explore his or her individual relationship to the Supreme Being through simple, heartfelt prayers. Each is based on a universal truth recorded in the beautiful language of the King James Bible, which precedes the prayer. Written for a wide audience, the book finds a warm response not only from churchgoers, but from those who may not consider themselves religious but who want to explore spiritual questions on their own. The Preface begins, "Prayer is a universal language heard by a universal intelligence or divine Love. It is native to each one of us, no matter what our faith (or lack thereof), past experience, or doubts. It goes on in the sacred, private relationship between the individual and his or her divine source or Creator." Pierre Pradervand, author of the Gold Nautilus book, The Gentle Art of Blessing, writes of Simple Prayers: "This collection touched me deeply. I love the clarity, unpretentious simplicity, warmth and gentleness of this little spiritual gem. It is sure to help many people. It is a work of the heart, not the mind. The authenticity of Nancy's deep compassion and fond embrace of all mankind pour through every page. Immensely comforting."
Магазин: OZON