фото Silver Eagle. The Legend

Silver Eagle. The Legend

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In a person's life they find themselves in memorable situations that bring them close to others. Some of my most memorable moments occurred with all my grandchildren when I was able to share time with them through these stories. The memorable times occurred in telling them stories about Silver Eagle's adventures. The stories would develop during the telling and of course after the particular adventure was over the discussions continued with them and what Silver Eagle was going to do on his next adventure. The story telling produced immediate reaction from the grandchildren from hiding under the covers to falling asleep when the fifth word was out of my mouth. But in all cases the story telling was always requested before bedtime. It is the great memories of the shared times and the encouragement of the grandchildren, children and my wonderful wife, Mary, that I have begun to write some of the stories. Hopefully they can be enjoyed by all children. The goal of printing this book is to encourage and excite all children to open their minds through reading and enjoy what the mind does in creating images as the stories unfold. I hope that your time reading these short adventures of Silver Eagle, the Legend is enjoyable and a start to the reading of all the great books, novels and stories both fiction and non-fiction that will be your eyes to the world.
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