фото Running a Pub (How to...and What's it Like?)

Running a Pub (How to...and What's it Like?)

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What's it REALLY LIKE running a pub or ANY licensed premises? The answers to problems you may well end up too tired to fathom out, are detailed in forty chapters; including over 700 tips, advice, examples, consequences, suggestions and warnings; saving you money, heartache and years of being in the dark. I will sometimes hint and other times hurl extreme abuse in my attempt to better your odds of success. I make no apology in explaining certain issues in depth; merely telling without understanding, is like burying YOUR head in sand. Throughout this book I will push, provoke and hope the penny drops you nearer to survival and profit, ultimately guiding you towards a better life for your family. My views on service are forthright. Mistakes made, lessons learnt and all my on-going research - I pass to YOU. Who is it written for? Existing independent operators and house managers, and anyone even THINKING of entering the trade. If you've left the trade, you may relate to some of the 50 odd true stories I've included, divulging a host of subjects. Bonus. Think of your aims and business plan as a game of obstacles. I'll point out all the obstacles you might run in to, how to remove them and later provide what I see as the MISSING LINK for almost ALL the licensed trade. What you do about that - is up to YOU.
Магазин: OZON

2227.0 руб.

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