фото RODEO STORIES. A Collection of True Cowboy Tales

RODEO STORIES. A Collection of True Cowboy Tales

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The initial idea of the compilation of this book was to give he reading public, as well as rodeo fans, an authentic record of ter private life of the rodeo cowboy. It all started with Jerry LaValley of Claremore, Oklahoma who was named as the IRPA (Internationl Professional Rodeo Association) Rookie of the Year in 1984 and finished the year as runner-up in the bull riding national standings, despite a 2 1/2 month injury layoff. Then, after joining Bill Putnam's Bull Pen and Bull Riders Hall of Fame sites on Facebook, and seeing rodeo pictures of not only Jerry, but also of Bill and many other rodeo cowboys, the idea for this book was born. During the 70's, 80's, and 90's, any rodeo, anywhere, would be stacked with many of rodeo's best cowboys. Surely there are few things that boost a man's pride more than winning one of the big rodeos in the country. It's so reassuring to know that he's marked high on top stock despite the many handicaps such as drawing bad, broken equipment, and in all kinds of weather and arena conditions. In fact, drawing good and trying hard seem to be preoccupations with most rodeo cowboys and has been since around July 4th, 1888, when America's own sport is thought to have had its beginning. It takes individual effort, avoiding personal mistakes, attitude, determination, or even all of these things combined to make that winning ride Although life on the rodeo trail can be hard at times, it can also be fun. But, rather...
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