фото Profile of a Litigator. (Personality Traits of the Personal Injury Attorney)

Profile of a Litigator. (Personality Traits of the Personal Injury Attorney)

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Understanding one another can eliminate intimidation and create a more favorable climate. How we choose to deal with one another can and should be constantly improved. Because we choose how to behave, we do more than respond mindlessly to stimuli, we help create the reality that shapes our relationships. Our future choices are limited by the nature of our relationship to the other person and the intensity of another's desire or need to maintain the relationship. People will always stereotype attorneys. I don't believe that the contents of this book will change the way attorneys are viewed. This book is just a start to show some true personality traits of the litigator. The litigator is not overly concerned with power, likes their status but do not see themselves as the center of attention, are not control freaks, like to win cases and make money, want respect for their ability but most importantly, treat others with respect and a sense of decency.
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