фото Pink Conch

Pink Conch

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This book will describe in four parts the waves of the east, west, north, and south. It will define two characters of fish from the Bay Area, who sought for an adventure from the Pacific Rim to the Indian Ocean. The main objective was to find the queen conch, or sri conch, generally known as the pink conch. Being in the Bay Area with the sound of the various objects of the sea, such as steamers, ships, surfing, and other activities, they forgot to explore the real value of life and the determination to find their objective. Lately, they came to know about the peace-loving pink conch and wanted to explore the peace formula and share it with the aquatics in the San Francisco Bay as well as beyond. Somehow, they were inspired to understand the conch, especially the pink conch. Never had they seen it, and they tried to know about it. Mostly they came to know the beautiful Bahamas and the Caribbean Sea and the conch habitants and the environment in those areas. Most likely, the serenity was derived with a variety of pleasant objects like the reef, beach, sea, clear sky, temperature, and many more.Two unique aquatics of the bay from the fish class finally started their journey from the crowded San Francisco Bay, from the Berkeley region, with the aim to obtain the pink conch and attain a state of divinity. That’s the ambition and goal they formulated after attending the first peace conference in the Pacific Rim. The one and only goal was to obtain the peace formula.Two friends, Gol...
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