фото Picturing the Mind Vol 1, A simple model capable to explain the functioning and dysfunctioning of the human psyche. Introduction to the Field theory of Human Functioning

Picturing the Mind Vol 1, A simple model capable to explain the functioning and dysfunctioning of the human psyche. Introduction to the Field theory of Human Functioning

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For the average man and woman in the street, the complex and competing theories and models of the human psyche; its development, functioning and dis-functioning are often unhelpful for their understanding of themselves. This becomes even more problematic when they find themselves in difficulty, as often, even the mental health professionals, who are experts in their own fields, find themselves at a loss to communicate successfully how and why the patent is unwell and what needs to happen to find or regain a healthy balance. This opens up the question; 'is it possible to image a simple, single model, accessible to everyone, to explain the development, functioning and dis-functioning of the human psyche?' One that builds on existing theories and models, benefitting from the mass of experience and research of 'modern western' psychological concepts and ideas, but also integrating traditional visions of the human psyche and modern theories from the physical sciences. Picturing the Mind, is an attempt to answer to this need. This is the first of the three volume series and deals with the basic ideas and concepts
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