фото Passages to Epiphany. Journeys of Discovery and Delight

Passages to Epiphany. Journeys of Discovery and Delight

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Susan Crossman shares personal true-life inspiring and enlightening experiences of epiphany - that moment of absolute clarity, realization and understanding. Also included are a few fictional stories by Crossman that also carry messages of epiphany. A very insightful and enlightening book that will help readers gain a better appreciation and understanding of themselves and the world around them. An absolutely superb read - highly recommended. - Michael B Davie, author, Winning Ways Susan Crossman has that innate ability to communicate far beyond words on paper... The beauty of epiphanies is that the old perspective can never hold the same power, because our minds have been shown a more resonant way of seeing our lives. Epiphanies are a glorious form of delicious relief from the chains of the past... By allowing that greater truth to permeate the core of our cells, it displaces our old tired perspective and in an instant, we are freed from our ancestry, identities and unseen veils. I felt that newly found freedom was handed to me over and over again as I turned the pages of Susan's book. I'm in awe of her innate ability to bring readers to the brink of pure potential, and then walk us right through the door..." - From the Foreword by Jennifer Hough, author, Awakenings I put together this collection of stories as an exploration of spirit and discovery and it's been an interesting journey to say the least... I've included short fictional stories about people ...
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