фото Offshoring of Business Processes by Banks from Switzerland

Offshoring of Business Processes by Banks from Switzerland

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Diploma Thesis from the year 2008 in the subject Business economics - Banking, Stock Exchanges, Insurance, Accounting, grade: 1.0, Swiss Finance Institute (Bankmanagement), course: Executive Program, 49 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: The global banking sector is currently undergoing fundamental changes. Banks face new challenges created by socio-economic and political developments and the potential of new information and communication technologies. Competition has risen to formerly unknown levels and active management of costs has become an ongoing tasks. Unlike the manufacturing industries most banks still cover large parts of their value chain by themselves. Lead by Anglo-Saxon institutes global banks have started in recent years to use the advantages of globalization by splitting up their value chains and by offshoring selected functions to countries offering wage differentials. According to experts banks have just started to create their global sourcing model, so that the offshoring volume is projected to increase further. While most banks have started their offshoring initiatives with IT functions, business process offshoring and even knowledge process offshoring have now become the main drivers of the move to the key offshoring locations like India, China and Eastern Europe. Banks from Switzerland have been spectators to the global move towards a global delivery model for many years. Only its two large global banks - UBS and Credit Suisse - ha...
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