фото NLP Dark Psychology. Learn the Dark Secrets of Persuasion, Manipulation, Deception, Emotional Control, Brainwashing with the Power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP Dark Psychology. Learn the Dark Secrets of Persuasion, Manipulation, Deception, Emotional Control, Brainwashing with the Power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

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★☆ Have You Ever Wondered How Some Speakers Make Hundreds if Not THOUSANDS of People Do Exactly What They Want Them to Do? That’s NLP. Read On... ☆★ There’s much talk about it nowadays, but do you know what NLP is all about? It stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming and involves the way people organize their thoughts. It studies why we do what we do in an in-depth level. It could change your perception of how you see something based on your conscious decision. It could make other people do EXACTLY what you want them to do. That’s NLP.Imagine a situation that would usually make you mad. You can use NLP to reframe that same situation in a positive way. This will ultimately lead to a clearer way of thinking that will also influence others. ����★☆ “One Does Not Become Enlightened by Imagining Figures of Light, But By Making the Darkness Conscious” - Carl Jung ☆★���� Our brain has a dark side, an unexplored side. On this side live many skills you don’t use, or don’t even know they exist. The secrets of Dark Psychology are about exploring your hidden powers to persuade, manipulate, and control emotions. Your mind will be stronger, as you command the way you think. Your problems will start to seem simpler, day by day. With NLP you can change everything you want, whenever you want. It's an endless source of power!With the teachings in “NLP: Dark Psychology” you will be able to overcome your fears, past painful events, and lack of self confidence. You will rise as better person, ...
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