фото Mindfulness and the Art of Change by Choice. Radical leadership for managing change

Mindfulness and the Art of Change by Choice. Radical leadership for managing change

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Mindfulness changes your brain in 8 weeks. It's linked to increased employee job performance ratings. As a form of meta-awareness or self-observation, it affects reasoning and decision-making. It also increases readiness to take greater responsibility at work, and it helps people respond calmly rather than react defensively. The boost it gives to results can come as no surprise. Mindfulness has also been associated with a reduction in stress and anxiety. These are emotions that arise when you change management culture, working processes, structure and strategy. Such feelings can seriously hamper progress if not handled correctly. In this book Philip Cox-Hynd lays out his mindfulness-led methodology for smoothly managing change both in what is done (strategy and processes) and in how it's done (mindset and culture). He explains in detail how to display the kind of radical leadership that results in your colleagues driving change with the fervour of a hunter who has caught scent of the quarry and the astuteness that mindfulness brings. He uses case histories such as Pfizer where he was the lead change consultant on the Viagra project, helping to get Viagra to market nine months ahead of schedule. He also talks about Ella’s Kitchen, the baby and toddler food company. He reveals how he used a technique he calls "orchestrated disruption" to enable staff to own, drive and even seek accountability for the change-for-growth programme that led to the very successful sa...
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