фото Michael O’Neill. On Yoga: The Architecture of Peace Taschen
фото Michael O’Neill. On Yoga: The Architecture of Peace Taschen
фото Michael O’Neill. On Yoga: The Architecture of Peace Taschen
фото Michael O’Neill. On Yoga: The Architecture of Peace Taschen
фото Michael O’Neill. On Yoga: The Architecture of Peace Taschen

Michael O’Neill. On Yoga: The Architecture of Peace Taschen

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It's taken yoga several thousand years to journey from a handful of monasteries dotting the Himalayas to the myriad studios of London, Lower Manhattan, and beyond. Whether bathing with holy men in the Ganges or joining the chorus of a thousand voices chanting "om," photographer Michael O'Neill decided to devote himself to experiencing and recording the world of yoga at this critical juncture in its history. The result is a powerful photographic tribute to the age-old discipline turned global phenomenon, with over 250 million practitioners united in physical, spiritual, and mindful practice worldwide. Famous for his photographs of the famous, O'Neill first set out to make portraits of the most influential yogis of our time-B. K. S. Iyengar, Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, T. K. V. Desikachar, Rodney Yee, Colleen Saidman, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa-as well as those famed for integrating yoga into their high-profile lives, such as Donna Karan, Sting, and Trudie Styler. It was a chance to honor the masters and unite his lifelong passion for photography with a newfound love for yoga and meditation. But as his practice deepened, so did his drive to look past the personalities and the poses to document the roots of yoga. Over ten years O'Neill trekked beyond the traditional epicenters to meditate with monks in the Tibetan Plateau, live with sadhus in their tents at the Kumbh Mela, and marvel at the boys who practice the little known discipline of Mallakhamba at the wrestling grounds in Kochi. Says ...
Бренд: Taschen
Магазин: OZON

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