фото Masquerade


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As Crimson Romance celebrates its first anniversary, we honor those pioneers who helped shape the direction of romance novels for all of us. Suspense, mystery, paranormal activity and love - always love - have been the cornerstone of the genre since the early 1970s. Now we have updated the covers to these classics - but not the words - and reissued these timeless reads to let you relive the thrill of discovering a world of romance all over again.Dashing Lord Andrew Blair swept his bewildered bride deep into his life of decadence on the infamous night they were wed. As the first shock waves of Revolution echoed through France, the disillusioned Lady Enid fled - alone - to Versailles and the arms of her dearest friend.Lady Enid soon found sweet revenge in the arms of Count Armand Beaufaire. But the revolution claimed Armand, even while Enid embraced the tawdry refuge of London's stage.Soon she would be recruited from her home in England and returned to France: this time as a Royalist spy sent to seek and destroy the Revolution's most dangerous agent, determined to rescue the only man she ever loved . . . and destined to fight her final battle with the husband who vowed never to let her go!Sensuality Level: Sensual
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