фото Maria Valtorta.s Life of Christ. Treasured by Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Blessed Maria Ines Teresa Arias, and Blessed Gabriel Allegra

Maria Valtorta.s Life of Christ. Treasured by Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Blessed Maria Ines Teresa Arias, and Blessed Gabriel Allegra

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A book beloved by Mother Teresa, by Blessed Gabriel Allegra, one of the most famous 20thcentury biblical exegetes, and by Blessed María Inés Teresa Arias, Maria Valtorta’s Poem of the Man-God has been increasingly treasured by hundreds of thousands. Some have called Valtorta the greatest Italian author of the 20thcentury. The testimonies of these three saints and groundbreaking analysis by Fr. Anthony Pillari, J.C.L., begins “lifting the veil” to reveal this hidden treasure. “When in the 1980’s I commenced reading The Poem of the Man-God, I was cautioned by overscrupulous well-wishers concerned for my spiritual welfare against reading a book which had been placed on the Index of Forbidden books. Father Anthony Pillari in Maria Valtorta’s Life of Christ has banished for good and all any lingering doubts as to the orthodoxy of her visions and writings.”-Cardinal Thomas Williams, Archbishop Emeritus of Wellington, New Zealand“Fr. Anthony Pillari and Stephen Austin deserve to be commended for this precious work which will, God willing, open up for the Church the great treasure that isThe Poem of the Man-God. Valtorta’s great work, like St. Louis de Montfort’s priceless True Devotion to Mary, has been a hidden treasure at times despised and rejected even by those in the Church. With the witness of these saints who have profited from Valtorta’s incredible insights into the life of Christ, may the whole Church awaken to the riches of an intimate knowledge of the life and times of Ou...
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