фото Manifesting Made Simple. A Practical Guide with Real Life Examples

Manifesting Made Simple. A Practical Guide with Real Life Examples

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Manifesting Made Simple is the practical book for people who truly want to improve their lives and demand an exciting and joyful way of doing it. In a refreshingly honest how-to guide, Brooklyn Storme serves up bite-sized chapters illustrated with real (and at times, controversial!) experiences from her life as well as those of the amazing men and women she has been blessed to support, helping you to: • Learn about what the Law of Attraction is (and isn’t!) • Identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that stop you from getting what you want. • Learn that it is SAFE to be happy! • Break old cycles that are no longer working for you. • Live your own story on your terms! • Learn about the role of energy and how you can use it to create a life you totally love! • Make some money, find love, build your business and get your life moving in the direction YOU want to it move in NOW! • Update your values and change your world. All real stories have been provided with permission, with the intention of helping you to up-level your life by seeing that it can be and has been done, using these tools and in some cases, have been de-identified as per the request of the individual. Additional illustrations, examples, and scenarios have also been included and any resemblance to any real person, place or situation is as such, purely coincidental. By the end of Manifesting Made Simple, you’ll understand better why you are how you are, how to accept what you can’t change, how ...
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