Amour et le Choléra Love & Cholera is symbolical of the Giant forces that had been building up deep in the bowels of Haiti for over 100 Years. The earthquake was the result of the sliding of a portion of the Earth's crust. Which released such a destructive force, that the Earth stood still. Haiti formerly the richest Caribbean Island. With exports of seventy two million pounds of raw sugar and fifty one million pounds of refined sugar, one million pounds of indigo, and two million pounds of cotton. Produced forty percent of all the sugar and coffee consumed in the world. Haiti was considered the Pearl of the Caribbean. Haiti 2010 - Now the poorest country in the world, deals with the aftermath of the Earthquake in Amour et le Choléra. Throughout the story, pride and prejudice becomes threatening when it reaches its most extreme form, but love overcomes obstacles, faith gives freedom and light overcomes darkness. The fight of One Nation of One People to regain their dignity. Love & Cholera shows us a nation dealing with catastrophic events. It sheds a light and separates fact from fiction. Love & Cholera exposes the stereotypes we have built within our society. Love & Cholera is a powerful symbolism of Hope. And in the aftermath of this jungle for survival, one woman’s faith and love for her country. A love that transcends all barriers. A powerful epic, historical journey … LOVE & CHOLERA Amour et le Choléra Love & Cholera: An epic story set in mode...
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