фото Living Positive in a Negative World. A Practical and Biblical Guide to the Law of Attraction

Living Positive in a Negative World. A Practical and Biblical Guide to the Law of Attraction

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Even in this advanced technical and digital age, there is so much misunderstood regarding the law of attraction. This book describes the base elements, how it really works and functions, and the realization that the law of attraction is working all the time. This book will provide you with a simple and easy to understand explanation of the core principle itself, and how to effectively apply this principle to your everyday life. You will find answers to the age-old question of why am I not getting what I have asked for? How come others seem to get everything while I get nothing?Whether you are looking to draw a specific item into your life, if you desire the love of a specific person, or if you want to experience a truly prosperous life, this book is one that you will want to read over and over again as you learn to understand and apply the principles and become a master of the application in your daily life—the process of understanding your own inner beliefs, the effects of those beliefs, and how those beliefs create the life you have. This book applies to any person, profession, age, religious affiliation, or ethnic origin and will be the key you are looking for to unlock your very heart’s desires.
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