фото Living from the Inside

Living from the Inside

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God has given each one of us the key to access the treasures, which are stored in the secrete places of our existence and the earth- just awaiting our manifestation. When you find and make use of this key, you can access infinite treasures that are hidden for you and immediately trigger the flow of wealth from the seas to yourself; and also enable you to embrace the riches of the nations of the world, as it comes to enrich your life. What a hope! What a promise! What a magnificent life God has ordained or destined for us! The choice remains with us. If you desire to live in the goodness and glorious life which God predestined for you, just remember that: The key is inside you. The title deeds for your inheritance and hidden treasures are inside you. The power and potential abilities you need to exploit your intended wealth and glorious riches are inside you. Amazing! the real treasures are inside us? sure! we have to identify and be conscious of what we possess in our inner being, if we are to be effective and productive in our pursuits. What a power, what a privilege to know where our treasures are, they lay deep in the hearts of our spirits, waiting to be discovered and given expression so that they can manifest and bring value or benefit to the physical world in which we live. Living from the Inside will help you to: unpack the treasures stored up inside you; understand how to use the key to open the doors described or identified by your title deeds; and harness your poten...
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