This book considers project evaluation in a particular context, namely New Service Development (NSD) projects. The book aims at understanding the purposes, the process of evaluating NSD projects and pointing out specific criteria during the evaluation of NSD projects. Our study reveals a list of eight important criteria of evaluation. This consists of 3 financial criteria:(1)profitability, (2)production cost,(3)return on investment; and five non-financial criteria:(4)strategic fit,(5)marketing criteria,(6)corporate social responsibilities,(7)information quality,and(8)facilitating factors. Among them,'strategic fit'(4) &'customer satisfaction' (a part of 'marketing criteria')(5)are recommended as 'must' for the evaluation process on any type of NSD project. Qualitative approach is applied to collect data through 3 case studies (to build comprehensive understanding of the process), & 17 semi-structured interviews in Albania,Italy,Sweden and Vietnam (to identify evaluation criteria employed in practice). Findings of this research contribute to the existing body of knowledge in project management & NSD by suggesting a set of key criteria that should be used as a practical guidance.
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