In today's life a high grade of flexibility and mobility is more important than ever. To face these modern issues, more and more vehicles are on our streets. However, there is a not to be underestimated side effect - accidents. Even though plenty of active and passive safety systems have been successfully implemented and fatalities have decreased by 50% over the last 15 years, there are still 40,000 people dying and 1.7 million injured annually on Europe's roads. The ambitious target to halve this number was set out in the White Paper "European Transport Policy for 2010: Time to Decide" by the eSafety initiative. The proposition is to equip all newly produced cars with a system, which recognizes whether the vehicle is involved in an accident and subsequently initiates an emergency call. A solution was realized within the Oracle Telematics Foundation relying on Oracle technology. This work describes the architectural conception of the environment as well as the hard- and software components and the overall infrastructure. Besides the eCall implementation, two other useful features (CarMonitoring, ProximityDemo) were developed promoting telematic services and thus their progress.
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