фото Heaven Is All Around Us

Heaven Is All Around Us

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This book is based upon a true life experience of my personal revelation of the Kingdom of Heaven. It is based on a true story, covering my background and the events leading up to my experience of the Kingdom of Heaven. How God found me and my revelation of him as a child. How I searched for the truth and answers to this experience. How to receive from God according to his will, for needs to be met, that through him all that you want in life can be fulfilled! It will attempt to show that religion or just going to church alone, cannot bring you into that closer relationship with God, through Yeshua the Messiah. That through a personal relationship with him and acceptance of his will in our lives is the only way we can be assured of our place in the Kingdom of God. There are passages of inspired writings given under inspiration from the Holy Spirit, along with end time vision and revelations. The Good News of Gods Kingdom, its importance to mankind and the need for a Saviour through Yeshua the Messiah. To bring mankind now separated from God, through sin and transgression of God's law (Torah) back into the relationship that Adam and Eve initially had with God, six thousand years ago in the Garden of Eden. This book will take you on a journey to Heaven and all that it has to offer, take a journey with me now, let us begin.
Магазин: OZON

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