фото Global Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume II. Combining Companies Across Borders, Second Edition

Global Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume II. Combining Companies Across Borders, Second Edition

Подробная информация и способы доставки
This book primarily deals with corporate restructuring through mergers and acquisitions (M&As). It critically examines all functions that must be performed in completing an M&A transaction. Domestic and cross-border M&A's are very similar in many respects even though differences between them also exist. The book includes discussions of international finance and multinational financial management, the topics that arise in cross-border M&A transactions. Given the increasing importance of China as the second largest economy in the world and Chinese companies' growing merger and acquisition (M&A) activities globally, we devote the last two chapters of the book to China's outward foreign direct investment and cross-border M&A activities. Moreover, the second volume includes the case studies regarding Chinese foreign direct investment both in Greenfield and acquisition forms give additional insights into challenging tasks of due diligence and post-merger cultural integration that foreign investors face. The M&A literature is a fragmented field of inquiry. The book brings together important, practical insights from this vast literature in a short, but cohesive form that has high managerial relevance.
Магазин: OZON

4889.0 руб.

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