фото Given Broken

Given Broken

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“Beloved, I wish above all thing that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 1:2).I truly did not understand the power of this scripture. In going through my testing time, God reminded me that above all, He wished for me to be whole, happy, and prosperous. But there were some things I needed to do in order to achieve the promise. I had to go through the brokenness in order to be put back whole. In order to be who God said I am and live how God says I can live and to know the power of God. To know His love, His kindness, His never-ending love, His willingness to fight for me, His willingness to believe in me, His willingness to see me pass all my sins, His willingness to give me a hope and a future. And I decided to write this book because this is something we all strive for, a hope, a future. Understanding who we are and the process that it takes to achieve it.There are times when we all go through hard situations. And it was through my hard situations that I learned not only the love of God, but I also learned a lot about myself. And there are times in life when we don’t understand some of the things that we are going through. But I’ve learned through my brokenness is when God heals. In order to achieve the best out of yourself, there are times you need to be broken to see what’s in you. To see your strength and know your weakness. To be willing to face who you are and be honest with yourself. And to know that you’re not alone. That God is...
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