фото Following the Light. A Guide in Practical Theology

Following the Light. A Guide in Practical Theology

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"FOLLOWING THE LIGHT" is a guide in practical theology. Theology pertains to the field of study and analysis that examines the God-consciousness: its attributes and relationship to the universe. Included in this book are examples of divine happenings, which establish religious truths or enlightenment. Finally, this book discusses how "FOLLOWING THE LIGHT" can help enrich our understanding of Theology as it applies to our daily lives. "FOLLOWING THE LIGHT" describes how everything we do or experience is intertwined and affects our personal development. It discusses how metaphysics, psychology, physics, paranormal activity, and parapsychology interact with each other as they relates to our Divine-essence, or Spirit, from its beginning through completion. Further, we examine some common beliefs and misconceptions as they relate to modern scientific studies that follow metaphysical principles and practices. The author has included some of his personal experiences as examples. Rev. Klaman had been meditating, praying, and studying --with a burning desire for the answers to his questions: Who or what is God? Why are we here? Moreover, how do Jesus, Moses, the Bible, parapsychology, paranormal activity, and science fit into this puzzle? He devoted his life to finding the answers, but little did he know he was about to receive them in a big way! More than ever before, people today are asking important questions about theology that need and deserve answers. Ide...
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