фото Fashion Marketing. Influencing Consumer Choice and Loyalty with Fashion Products

Fashion Marketing. Influencing Consumer Choice and Loyalty with Fashion Products

Подробная информация и способы доставки
Fashion is everywhere! It transcends domains and applies to almost any kind of product (e.g., apparel, cars, digital devices, food, literature, travel, music, house decoration and personal wellness). Fashion greatly influences public interest, media coverage, and product success. The global fashion industry is among the most important in terms of investments, trade, and employment, despite its dependence on unpredictable demand. This book focuses on the fashion apparel and accessories industry in an attempt to help managers answer the following questions: Why and how do fashion products appeal to consumers, despite their constantly varying attributes? What specific elements and benefits of fashion influence consumers, and how can companies exploit them and gain from these? Which marketing strategies and tactics should companies use to increase fashion products' success while communicating and managing customers' image? How can companies maintain customer loyalty and generate higher profits with fashion products? By undertaking deep analyses of manufacturers and retailers' best practices, interviewing customers and companies, and reviewing recent academic research on fashion marketing, this book answers such questions and thus helps managers leverage the value that fashion adds to products while creating loyal customers in truly competitive fashion markets.
Магазин: OZON

4539.0 руб.

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