фото Environmental Fraud. How Palm Oil Turned The Tables On The Green Groups And Their Shadowy Funders

Environmental Fraud. How Palm Oil Turned The Tables On The Green Groups And Their Shadowy Funders

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This book is the first to examine the battle for public opinion that palm oil faced from the days of Phil Sokolof's American Heart Association (AHA) in the late eighties and the curiously named Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) right up to the present day Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Friends of the Earth (FOE) and the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) and will analyze how the tables were turned on them. What was uncovered in the process of battling the formidable forces arraigned against palm oil was, shocking even to us, to say the least, when we finally managed to peel away the mask and discover the true identities of the organizations which provided the funding and virtually helped orchestrate and plan these dubious campaigns against palm oil! What were the motivations and real reasons for millions of dollars to be committed to these campaigns? The answer will shock most readers for this powerful adversary hides behind a façade of respectability and sanctimony. As this is an ongoing battle, identities and names such as individuals and organizations (including the author) behind the fight- back will be protected. The forces arraigned against palm oil have, collectively, more than a billion dollars in annual funds alone at their disposal and have never been known to be hesitant to throw the weight of their money behind legal attempts to restrain such expose︠. The book will be divided into 3 parts: Part 1 covers the history of palm oil, exam...
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