фото Dream with Your Eyes Open. True Knowledge Stands the Test of Time

Dream with Your Eyes Open. True Knowledge Stands the Test of Time

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In most cases, the higher something costs, the more value and importance people put on an item-like a house, a car, a computer, a cell phone, or in this case, a book. If I were the one to determine the sales price of my book, I would sell it for at least $85 to $110 to limit the number of people from reading my book. The reason is that people mostly likely will value an expensive book more than a book that is less than $25. Unfortunately, I am not in the position to decide the selling price of my book. To be honest, I actually don't need too many people to read my book so that it is not saturated and people who read my book will appreciate the knowledge that they receive from my book. Regardless whether people value the importance of my book or not, as far as I am concerned, the knowledge that I have written down is the backbone and the essence of my well-being today. I would not have the strength or stamina to write this book without the knowledge that I have. It enables me to go on with my life. I am more energetic and more productive now than I was before. I want to see people live a life full of vitality and energy. Did you ever find yourself lacking the drive, strength, and stamina to continue your day in the past? Do you want to get the fire, energy, power, and enjoyment back in your life? If you do, you have come to the right place. You have the energy and the potential in you. You just don't know it yet. Once you receive the knowledge, you will know it for the...
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