фото Connections with the Spirit World. Revised Second Edition

Connections with the Spirit World. Revised Second Edition

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The spiritual model formulated in this book could describe the inner workings of the spirit world, as spirituality is revisited in a manner never done before. A measure of engineering logic is used instead of relying strictly on faith, which is the case for spiritual models that exist up to now. The new spiritual model describes the inner workings of the spirit world, defines our spirit and our soul, and describes the role of our spirit and soul in enabling our physical body to exist in our physical world. Thus, it shows how we are carrying out our lives simultaneously in the spirit world and our physical world. For example, our spirit resides in the spirit world while our body resides in our physical world. We form our thoughts and decisions in the spirit world, and we put them into action in our physical world. The model can plausibly spiritually explain common everyday observations and experiences. Examples are; why we need sleep, why dreams tend to be surrealistic, why evolution is spiritual first and physical second, how missing links can happen, how identical twins can communicate telepathically, how pets could understand their owners' thoughts telepathically, how some individuals can see and read auras, why our universe was brought into being, and how quantum superposition and entanglement can happen. Many other examples are also presented. Such extensive correlation with reality means the model is valid to a large degree. No other spiritual model that exists up to...
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