фото Chakras & The Third Eye. 2 Books in 1 - How to Balance Your Chakras and Awaken Your Third Eye With Guided Meditation, Kundalini, and Hypnosis

Chakras & The Third Eye. 2 Books in 1 - How to Balance Your Chakras and Awaken Your Third Eye With Guided Meditation, Kundalini, and Hypnosis

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This is a compilation book of:·Chakras: For Beginners - How to Awaken and Balance Your Chakras and Heal Yourself with Chakra Healing, Reiki Healing and Guided Meditation·Third Eye: Simple Techniques to Awaken Your Third Eye Chakra With Guided Meditation, Kundalini, and Hypnosis (psychic abilities, spiritual enlightenment)Are you feeling stuck in a rut? Spinning your wheels in the mud, directionless, daunted by the darkness of this world, uncertain of your future?Do you want to heal yourself, to find a center and a spiritual balance? Do you just want to know what, exactly, are chakras and third eye? If any of these cases rings true, then this two book bundle is exactly the correct choice for you.For as long as humans have been on Earth, we have been searching for the answers to life’s many questions. What world lies just beyond our own, far too out of reach for anyone to clearly perceive? Such mysteries have led cultures from every corner of the world to learn to meditate and connect themselves with this other realm. Now, you too can join them.Have you ever tried to meditate before but found yourself too caught up in your own head to be successful? Inside these pages, you will find a detailed explanation of the history of meditation and several proper procedures and techniques to guide you along properly. In less time than you may think, you can be just as enlightened as the monks of Tibet, the Roman philosophers, and the shamans of Native America.Do you laugh at the concept o...
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