The new church at Thessalonica is under fierce attack. Opposing Jewish leaders have caused a riot and driven the church-planting team out of town. But amazingly, against all odds, the new congregation begins to grow and attract converts from the pagan population of the city. What's more, it becomes a model congregation among the fledging Christian movement in the Mediterranean region. 1 and 2 Thessalonians, written about 50 AD, are the earliest documents in the New Testament. They reveal the Apostle Paul's heart and passion as he seeks to guide this congregation towards health and balance. In 1 and 2 Thessalonians you'll learn important truths about Christ's coming -- specifically regarding the rapture and the Antichrist. Paul explains how to deal with overly-dependent members, God's grace in selecting his children, the heart and character of a disciple-maker, a high view of sexual purity, and keys to a healthy Christian congregation. This volume covers the two letters in nine lessons. Classes and small groups will find this a helpful curriculum guide to their study 1 and 2 Thessalonians with links to free participant handouts, as well as thorough preparation for the leader. Thought-provoking questions will stimulate many insightful discussions. These heavily-footnoted lessons provide most of the research that preachers and teachers will need. At the same time, these lessons will inspire and challenge the individual reader to grow as a disciple.
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